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Bosch NER-L2R3-1
Bosch NER-L2R3-1
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Bosch NER-L2R3-1
Cập nhật cuối lúc 21:06 ngày 17/10/2022, Đã xem 232 lần
  Đơn giá bán: Liên hệ
  Model: NER-L2R3-1   Bảo hành: 12 Tháng
  Tình trạng: Còn hàng
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Chi tiết sản phẩm

Bosch NER-L2R3-1 Dinion Capture 5000 HD License Plate Capture (LPR) Security Camera
Introducing the all-new Bosch NER-L2R3-1 IP PAL License Plate Camera for a user-friendly and sophisticated streaming experience. This license plate camera features a DINION capture 5000 IP camera. This comes with a CCD which includes progressive scan technology. You can utilize this unit as color or monochrome color types. With features like direct drive, motion activated and high-speed lens, this camera unit may be highly efficient in multiple environments.

This system is extremely user friendly and comes with auto gain control. This license plate camera has the ability to quad stream videos simultaneously. This is due to the two H.264 streams, an I-frame recording stream, and an M-JPEG stream. This unit comes equipped with a 20-bit DSP. It is to ensure that the signal is automatically processed in both high and low-light areas of the surroundings simultaneously. The DSP unit also betters the detailing of the images, ensuring the best of quality. This system also supports multiple network interfaces and protocols, to provide flexibility in applications. The Bosch NER-L2R3-1 IP PAL License Plate Camera allows you multiple compression types including H.264, M-JPEG, and JPEG.


Key Features of Bosch NER-L2R3-1 

  • Multiple Streaming: Allows H.264 and MJPEG dual codec streaming simultaneously with real time monitoring and high-resolution recording.
  • CCD with progressive scan technology: High resolution images may be accumulated simultaneously and then produced line-by-line or sequentially
  • 20-bit DSP: Captures superior quality images even in poor lighting conditions.
  • IP67 Rating: Provides waterproof housing.
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