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Bosch NIN-70122-F1
Bosch NIN-70122-F1
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Bosch NIN-70122-F1
Cập nhật cuối lúc 21:14 ngày 17/10/2022, Đã xem 249 lần
  Đơn giá bán: Liên hệ
  Model: NIN-70122-F1   Bảo hành: 12 Tháng
  Tình trạng: Còn hàng
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Chi tiết sản phẩm

Bosch NIN-70122-F1 FLEXIDOME IP Panoramic 7000 MP Security Camera

The FLEXIDOME IP panoramic 7000 MP is a discreet, aesthetic, low-profile camera for indoor use. The 12MP sensor operating at 30fps provides full panoramic surveillance with complete area coverage, fine details and high speeds. The camera offers full situational awareness and simultaneous E-PTZ views in high resolution. Dewarping functionality makes it easy to splice off the enormous panoramic view into squared images. When placed on a ceiling, this camera is excellent for surveillance in restaurants, department stores, and other similar small businesses.


Key Features of the Bosch NIN-70122-F1

  • 12MP Sensor
  • 1/2.3" CMOS
  • Used pixels (180° version) 3648 x 2160 (8MP)
  • 2.1mm Fixed Focus Lens (180 degrees)
  • Field of view (180°version)180° (H) x 93° (V)
  • Day/Night Functionality
  • Wide Dynamic Range (92dB)
  • Electronic PTZ Functionality
  • Intelligent Dynamic Noise Reduction
  • Intelligent Auto Exposure
  • MOTION+, shows motion metadata in an overlay display
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