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Bosch DIP-7082-8HD
Bosch DIP-7082-8HD
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Bosch DIP-7082-8HD
Cập nhật cuối lúc 21:17 ngày 17/10/2022, Đã xem 360 lần
  Đơn giá bán: Liên hệ
  Model: DIP-7082-8HD   Bảo hành: 12 Tháng
  Tình trạng: Còn hàng
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Số lượng: Cái Khối lượng: 0 g
Phí vận chuyển: 0 Gộp vào đơn hàng
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Chi tiết sản phẩm

Bosch DIP-7082-8HD Divar IP 7000 32ch NVR - 8 x 2TB 32 channels Bosch DIP-7082-8HD Divar IP 7000 32ch NVR - 8 x 2TB raid 5
Bosch DIP-7082-8HD Divar IP 7000 32ch NVR - 8 x 2TB front swappable sata ll Bosch DIP-7082-8HD Divar IP 7000 32ch NVR - 8 x 2TB remote viewing

Bosch DIP-7082-8HD Divar IP 7000 32ch NVR - 8 x 2TB
The Bosch DIP-7082-8HD Divar IP 7000 32ch NVR is a perfect video recording solution. This NVR offers RAID-5 protected, all-in-one, fully featured video management, for up to 128 channels. It is an intelligent IP storage device that eliminates the need for a separate NVR (Network Video Recorder), server, and storage hardware, reducing the total cost of ownership by as much as 45%. It seamlessly combines IP cameras and encoders, provides system wide event and alarm management, system health monitoring, user and priority management.

Additionally the Bosch NVR features highly energy-efficient hot-swapable redundant power supplies, as well as front swappable SATA-II hard drive bays, providing the ability for up to 16TB of gross storage capacity. Futhermore, the Bosch DIP-7082-8HD Divar IP 7000 32ch NVR includes Dynamic Transcoding technology, which ensures you can view your captured videos immediately - anytime, anywhere.

Key Features of the Bosch DIP-7082-8HD Divar IP 7000 32ch NVR 

  • Video recording solution: offers a recording and management solution for network surveillance systems of up to 128 channels
  • Video Client application: ensures live-viewing and playback including configuration manager
  • Dynamic Transcoding technology: allows you to view your captured video immediately
  • Energy star compliant: saves electricity and reduces your environmental footprint
  • Intelligent IP storage device: eliminates the need for separate Network Video Recorder server and storage hardware
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