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Công tắc cảm ứng chuyển động THEBEN SPHINX 105-300
Công tắc cảm ứng chuyển động THEBEN SPHINX 105-300
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Công tắc cảm ứng chuyển động THEBEN SPHINX 105-300
Cập nhật cuối lúc 17:08 ngày 07/09/2022, Đã xem 327 lần
  Đơn giá bán: Liên hệ
  Model: SPHINX 105-300   Bảo hành: 12 Tháng
  Tình trạng: Còn hàng
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Công tắc cảm ứng chuyển động THEBEN SPHINX 105-300

Cảm biến chuyển động, điều khiển đèn theo sự hiện diện và độ sáng, gắn tường/trần nổi, gắn góc (phụ kiện), IP55-ngoài trời/trong nhà, góc quét 300°, tầm quét 15m, trễ: 1s -20 min, tải 2300W. Điều khiển từ xa (phụ kiện-mua thêm)


-         Motion detector (PIR)

-         Wall and ceiling installation

-         300° detection angle

-         Corner installation bracket for internal or external corners included in delivery

-         Especially suitable for external corner installation for simultaneous coverage of two facades via corner

-         Automatic lighting control based on presence and brightness

-         Sensor head can be adjusted horizontally by ± 90°, vertically by 90° upwards and 25° downwards

-         creating universal installation option and optimum setting of detection area

-         Additional creep under protection

-         for 360° detection with 5 m diameter at installation height of 2.5 m. Can be operated via remote control

-         Detection area can be limited using enclosed segments

-         Mixed light measurement suitable for the control of fluorescent, incandescent and halogen lamps

-         Zero-cross switching for relay-saving switching and high lamp loads

-         Instant start-up possible via factory preset

-         A cover plate protects controls against manipulation

-         Single-handed plug-in installation with captive screws

-         RC 105 Pro, service remote control (optional)

-         RC 105, user remote control (optional)

-         Adjustable brightness switching value and switch-off delay

-         Zero-cross swithcing for relay-saving switching and high lamp loads

-         Teach-in of current brightness value possible via remote control

-         Impulse function can be combined with staircase time switches (ELPA)

-         Test function for checking detection area


Operating voltage

230 V AC


50 – 60 Hz

Stand-by consumption

0,9 W

Light measurement

Mixed light measurement

Number of channels


Type of contact

NO contact

Installation type

Wall and ceiling installation

Setting range brightness

2 – 2000 lx

Switching capacity light

16 A (at 230 V AC, cos φ = 1), 10 A (at 230 V AC, cos φ = 0.6), 8 AX (at 230 V AC, cos φ = 0.3)

Detection angle


Light switch-off delay 

1 s-20 min

Incandescent lamp load

2300 W

Fluorescent lamp load (conventional) not corrected

900 VA

Fluorescent lamp load (conventional) parallel-corrected

400 VA

Fluorescent lamp load (conventional) series-corrected

900 VA

Fluorescent lamp load (conventional) lead-lag circuit

900 VA

Fluorescent lamp load (electronic ballast)

400 VA

Energy saving lamps

9 x 7 W, 7 x 11 W, 7 x 15 W, 7 x 20 W, 7 x 23 W


Incandescent/halogen lamps, Fluorescent lamps, Energy saving lamps, LEDs

Ambient temperature

-25 °C … +55 °C

Protection class


Type of protection

IP 55


-         Hãng sản xuất THEBEN của Đức.

-         Bảo hành: 12 tháng.

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