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Công tắc cảm ứng hiện diện THEBEN COMPACT PASSAGE
Công tắc cảm ứng hiện diện THEBEN COMPACT PASSAGE
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Công tắc cảm ứng hiện diện THEBEN COMPACT PASSAGE
Cập nhật cuối lúc 17:23 ngày 07/09/2022, Đã xem 325 lần
  Đơn giá bán: Liên hệ
  Model: COMPACT PASSAGE   Bảo hành: 12 Tháng
  Tình trạng: Còn hàng
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Công tắc cảm ứng hiện diện THEBEN COMPACT PASSAGE

-         Điều khiển theo sự hiện diện và độ sáng hỗn hợp.

-         Gắn trần chìm trong nhà (IP40).

-         Tầm quét 20x5m.

-         Kênh 1: xung (0,5s), 10s -20 min (tắt).

-         Kênh 2: trễ 10s~120min/0s~10min (tắt/bật).
Chức năng mở rộng matster-slave.

-         Chế độ tự động và bán tự động.



-         Presence detector (PIR)

-         Mixed light measurement

-         Automatic control of lighting and HVAC as well as room monitoring function

-         Square detection area for corridors

-         Light switch output (relay, 230 V)

-         Presence switch output (relay, potential-free)

-         Choice of fully or semi automatic operation

-         Sensor or switch options for manual switching

-         The rectangular detection area covers an area of up to 30 metres in corridors and enables safe and simple planning

-         Fully or semi-automatic: In 'Fully automatic' mode, the lighting switches on and off automatically according to presence and light. In 'Semi-automatic' mode, it must be switched on manually and it switches off automatically

-         Manual override: The lighting can be manually switched on or off at any time via sensors or switches

-         Room/corridor sensor function: In the 'corridor' setting, the detector functions as a staircase time switch and it cannot be switched off manually

-         Master/slave parallel switching: Up to ten detectors can be connected with each other to extend the detection area. The master switches the load. All other detectors merely provide presence information as slaves

-         Device can be connected as master or slave

-         Lighting control with light threshold value and self-learning switch-off delay

-         Pulse function for staircase time switch

-         HVAC control with switch-on and switch-off delay

-         Room monitoring with selective movement detection

-         The switching behaviour of the presence detector is controlled by presence and light

-         The self-learning switch-off adjusts to occupants' behaviour

-         The pulse function is for controlling a staircase time switch

-         The presence detector has a mixed light measurement and is suitable for switching the following types of lamp: Fluorescent lamps (FL/PL), halogen and incandescent lamps as well as LEDs

-         Presence switch contact for HVAC control: The switching behaviour of the potential-free contact is only controlled by presence

-         The switch-on delay prevents instantaneous switch on. The contact only closes on completion of the switch-on delay

-         Master/master parallel switching: Up to ten detectors can be connected with each other to control several lighting groups. Each master controls its lighting group according to its own brightness measurements. Presence is detected by all the detectors

-         The sensitivity of the presence switch output is reduced in the 'monitoring' position. The contact indicates the presence of people with a high degree of certainty

-         Test operation mode checks the detection area and installation

-         The parameters can either be set using the potentiometer or via the optional service remote control QuickSet plus

-         A maximum of 10 detectors can be switched at the same time



Operating voltage

230 V AC


50 Hz

Recommended installation height

2 – 3,5 m

Installation type

Ceiling installation

Power consumption

0,7 W

Light measurement

Mixed light measurement

Setting range brightness

10 – 1500 lx

Light switch-off delay 

Impuls (0,5 s), 10 s-20 min

Type of contact light

Relay 230 V


Incandescent/halogen lamps, Fluorescent lamps, Energy saving lamps, LEDs

Resistive load

1400 VA

Incandescent/halogen lamp load

1200 W

Compact and flourescent lamps

960 VA (cos f = 0,8), 580 VA (cos f = 0,5)

Compact and flourescent lamps (Number of electronic ballasts)

10 x (1 x 58 W), 5 x (2 x 58 W), 16 x (1 x 36 W), 8 x (2 x 36 W), 16 x (smaller than 36 W)

Switch-on delay presence

0 s – 10 min

Presence switch-off delay

10 s-120 min

Type of contact presence

Relay potential-free

Switching capacity presence

50 W (220 V DC), 50 VA (250 V AC) minimal 0,5 mV/10 mA

Switching output


Type of connection

Screw terminals

Max. cable cross section

2 x 2,5 mm²

Mounting plate

70 x 70 mm

Size of concealed housing

 55 mm (NIS, PMI)

Ambient temperature

+0 °C … +50 °C

Type of protection

IP 40


-         Hãng sản xuất THEBEN của Đức.

-         Bảo hành: 12 tháng.

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