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Module điều khiển SIEMENS FDCIO181-2
Module điều khiển SIEMENS FDCIO181-2
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Module điều khiển SIEMENS FDCIO181-2
Cập nhật cuối lúc 20:44 ngày 19/10/2022, Đã xem 327 lần
  Đơn giá bán: 1 860 000 đ
  Model: FDCIO181-2   Bảo hành: 12 Tháng
  Tình trạng: Còn hàng
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Tổng chi phí: 1 860 000 đ
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Module điều khiển SIEMENS FDCIO181-2

- Microprocessor-controlled signal evaluation.

- Automatic address setting, without encoder settings or DIP switch.

- 2 monitored input, 2 monitored output.

- LED display of input and output status.

- Input lines monitored for open line or short/open circuit.

- Prevention of noise interference through intelligent analysis of input signals.

- Output lines monitored for open line or short/open circuit (when potential output not activated).

- Output monitoring configurable (on/off).

- Control output for equipment 24 VDC, max. 2A.

- Communication with the controller via FD18-BUS (detector line).

- Directly used in dry areas. Applicable in dusty and humid areas when installed in FDCH221 housing.

- “Sticker Method” easy for commissioning.

Thông số kỹ thuật

Model  FDCIO181-2
Operating voltage 12…32 VDC
Operating current (quiescent) 0.56 mA
Activation current 0.85 mA
Output - Capacity: 2A@ 24VDC
- Monitoring resistor: 3.3 kΩ (1/4w)
- Diode: 1N5404
Input - Monitoring resistor: 3.3 kΩ/ 680Ω
Operating temperature 0...+42 °C
Storage temperature -20...+75 °C
Humidity ≤95% rel
Communication protocol FD18-BUS
Load factors 5
Connection terminals 1.0...1.5 mm2
Color - Housing: White, RAL 9010
- Cover: Transparent
Protection category EN60529/ IEC529/ GB4208-93 With FDCH221 housing: IP65
Approval (for Russian) TR RF N123-FZ

- Xuất xứ: Trung Quốc.

- Bảo hành: 12 tháng.

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