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Đầu dò báo khói SIEMENS FDO181C
Đầu dò báo khói SIEMENS FDO181C
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Đầu dò báo khói SIEMENS FDO181C
Cập nhật cuối lúc 20:53 ngày 19/10/2022, Đã xem 429 lần
  Đơn giá bán: 770 000 đ
  Model: FDO181C   Bảo hành: 12 Tháng
  Tình trạng: Còn hàng
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Tổng chi phí: 770 000 đ
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Đầu dò báo khói SIEMENS FDO181C

- The FDO181C is an optical smoke detector with an optical sensor. It works according to the principle of forward scattering. The detector reacts extremely sensitive on light aerosols caused by fire. The increased sensitivity makes the detection of smoldering and open fire possible.

- Intelligent detector with built-in CPU, providing advanced distributed intelligence for optimum reliable detection principle.

- Opto-electronic sampling chamber detects fire more reliable and accurate.

- Collective detector, no address setting, polarity free connection.

- Particularly suited for the early detection of smoke-generating flaming and smoldering fires.

- Resistant to environment and interference factors such as dust, fibers, insects, humidity, extreme temperatures, corrosive, vapors, vibration, synthetic aerosols. With immunity against electro-magnetic interference.

- Self-test of operating status, when fault occurs or low voltage happens, indicator can prompt user.

- Automatic drift compensation and dust prompt for reducing false alarm because of dust accumulation.

- 360° visible alarm indicator.

- Dust cap protects the detector from being contaminated by construction work.

- Communication with FC18 controller via FDCI183 transponder, each FDCI183 can connect max. 32 collective detectors.

- Communication with FC720 controller via FDCIO223-CN transponder, each FDCIO223-CN can connect max. 32 collective detectors.

- Communication with FS1120 controller via FDCIO223-CN transponder, each FDCIO223-CN can connect max. 32 collective detectors.

- Communication with BC80 controller via BDS161 transponder, each BDS161 can connect max. 10 collective detectors. 

Thông số kỹ thuật

Model  FDO181C
Operating voltage  10 … 28 VDC
Operating current (quiescent)  0.1 mA 
Activation current 60.0 mA 
Sensitivity  Standard 2.4%m 
Operating temperature  –10 ... +50 °C 
Storage temperature –20 ... +70 °C
Humidity  ≤96% (40±2℃)
Color  White, RAL 9010 
Protection category GB4208-93  IP40

- Xuất xứ: Trung Quốc.

- Bảo hành: 12 tháng.

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