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Trung tâm báo cháy-báo trộm HONEYWELL VISTA-128BPT-AP
Trung tâm báo cháy-báo trộm HONEYWELL VISTA-128BPT-AP
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Trung tâm báo cháy-báo trộm HONEYWELL VISTA-128BPT-AP
Cập nhật cuối lúc 19:58 ngày 19/10/2022, Đã xem 330 lần
  Đơn giá bán: Liên hệ
  Model: VISTA-128BPT-AP   Bảo hành: 12 Tháng
  Tình trạng: Còn hàng
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Trung tâm báo cháy-báo trộm HONEYWELL VISTA-128BPT-AP

- The VISTA-128BPT is a powerful member of the Honeywell Home family of commercial alarm panels, integrating burglary, CCTV and access control functions. Many features are available that extend the applications of the VISTA-128BPT while simplifying end-user operation. 

- Provides 9 style-B hardwired zones.

- Supports up to 119 additional zones using a built-in polling (V-Plex®, multiplex) loop interface.

- Supports up to 127 wireless zones using up to two 5800 series wireless receivers (fewer if using hardwire and/or polling loop zones).

- Provides one power-limited bell circuit delivering 1.7Amp (max) at 12VDC.

- Provides the ability to control eight separate partitions independently, each functioning as if it had its own separate control.

- Accommodates 150 user codes with seven authority levels.

- Accommodates 32 keypad macro commands per system.

- Keeps a log of up to 512 events.

- Supports up to 16 compatible two-wire smoke detectors on zone 1.

- Zone 7 may be used for keyswitch arming/disarming.

- Integrates with WIN-PAK access control systems to provide increased users, event log and scheduling.

- Supports V-Plex addressable VISTAKEY access control (up to eight doors and 250 cards).

- Easily programmed and maintained by Compass Windows-based downloader.

- Supports up to 96 programmable outputs.

- Supports up to six touchscreen Advanced User Interface (AUI) devices (6272 or later).

- Smoke detector reset at keypad.

- Quick exit.

- Group bypass.

- Arm faulted.

- Event arming.

- Carbon monoxide (CO) zone type support.

- Expanded high-speed RS-232 capability for third party interface and automation.

- Internet upload/download over AlarmNet GSM and/or IP communicators over the panel's keypad (ECP) bus.

- Ringback support for AlarmNet communicators (confirmation of closing report).

- 24-hour dialer test support for AlarmNet devices.

- Supports V-Plex Smart Contact feature for improved responsiveness on systems with many V-Plex zones.

- Telco line cut detection.

- Bảo hành: 12 tháng.

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