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Bosch LTC 5136/61
Bosch LTC 5136/61
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Bosch LTC 5136/61
Cập nhật cuối lúc 11:55 ngày 04/10/2016, Đã xem 726 lần
  Đơn giá bán: Liên hệ
  Model: LTC 5136/61   Bảo hành: 12 Tháng
  Tình trạng: Còn hàng
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Bosch LTC 5136/61 AutoDome Controller
A single one-handed control unit, the Bosch LTC 5136/61 AutoDome Controller is a paragon in technological advancement. This controller features 6 Bi-Phase outputs for Autodomes or standard Allegiant receiver/drivers, which may transmit data up to 1.5 km (5000 ft) using 18 AWG (1 mm²) shielded twisted pair cable. The wiring may be laid out in a star configuration or as a daisy-chain for easy deployment. The controller also features a 22-key control unit with integral vector-solving pan, tilt, zoom joystick, interface box, and an appropriate power supply.

The control console connects to a single AutoDome camera system or standard Allegiant receiver/drivers. One joystick plus keyboard help control the camera in an easy and ergonomic form factor for single-handed control. The console helps control all AutoDome system features including auto playback. A 3-year warranty puts all your worries to rest. Your surveillance systems stay technologically updated and smart with the modern and sophisticated Bosch LTC 5136/61 AutoDome Controller.

Key Features of the Bosch 5136/61

  • 16 Individual Bi-Phase Control Code Outputs: Support data transmission up to 1.5 km (5000 ft) using 18 AWG (1 mm²) shielded twisted pair cable
  • Star Or Daisy-Chain Configuration: Allows easy deployment of cable.
  • 22-key control unit: Integrates a vector-solving pan, tilt, zoom joystick, interface box, and an appropriate power supply.
  • Small, compact design: Enables Ergonomic layout for single-handed control
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