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Bosch LVF-5005C-S0940
Bosch LVF-5005C-S0940
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Bosch LVF-5005C-S0940
Cập nhật cuối lúc 13:23 ngày 04/10/2016, Đã xem 740 lần
  Đơn giá bán: Liên hệ
  Model: LVF-5005C-S0940   Bảo hành: 12 Tháng
  Tình trạng: Còn hàng
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Chi tiết sản phẩm

Bosch LVF-5005C-S0940 Varifocal SR Megapixel Lens
Improved image resolution and sharpness is now possible with Bosch LVF-5005C-S0940 Varifocal SR Megapixel Lens. The compact and rugged variforcal SR lens is designed for 1.25" format sensors, and includes SR-iris control to help deliver superior quality images. The standard CS mount facilitates easy installation. High lens mexapixel resolution, contrast reproduction and coating ensure superior lens performance with excellent image quality.

The sturdy mechanical construction withstands frequent changes in iris settings, and also safeguards against environmental factors. This lens avoids diffraction, and functions on high-quality optics to complement the performance of an HD camera. The 5MP optical resolution captures stellar images, with astute details. Brimming with versatility, the lens also allows manual zoom and focus control to help you keep an eye on surveillance. Scoring high on functionality and durability, this lens also includes a limited 3-year warranty. Experience superior surveillance solution by pairing the camera with Bosch LVF-5005C-S0940 Varifocal SR Megapixel Lens.

Key Features of the Bosch LVF-5005C-S0940 

  • 5MP SR Megapixel Optical Resolution: Captures superior quality images.
  • SR-Iris: Delivers high quality images even in less light.
  • CS Mount: Allows easy installation and quick deployment.
  • 1/2.5” Format Sensors: Avoid diffraction that is commonly found in mexapixal sensors
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