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Bosch NIN-832-V10P
Bosch NIN-832-V10P
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Bosch NIN-832-V10P
Cập nhật cuối lúc 21:55 ngày 04/10/2016, Đã xem 736 lần
  Đơn giá bán: Liên hệ
  Model: NIN-832-V10P   Bảo hành: 12 Tháng
  Tình trạng: Còn hàng
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Bosch NIN-832-V10PS
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Chi tiết sản phẩm

Bosch NIN-832-V10P FLEXIDOME Series Indoor / Outdoor Dome Camera
Introducing the modern and sophisticated Bosch NIN-832-V10P FLEXIDOME Series Indoor / Outdoor Dome Camera for your security needs. This camera offers motorized auto-focus, high resolution, sensitivity, and frame rate, and improved picture quality to provide optimum surveillance solution. The camera includes a 10 to 23mm AVF (Automatic Varifocal) lens with SR (Super Resolution) lens that produces sharp images even in corners. The AVF (Automatic Varifocal) features motorized zoom / focus adjustment with 1:1 pixel mapping to keep the camera focused.

This IVA (Intelligent Video Analytics) camera incorporates the latest Bosch IVA software for reliable indoor or outdoor video analytics. The system performs reliability detects, tracking, and analysis of moving objects while maintaining checks on unwanted alerts from spurious sources in the images. Fitted with the face detection feature, this camera facilitates forensic search capabilities remotely from the web browser or free Video Client software. With an intuitive user interface,  Bosch NIN-832-V10P FLEXIDOME Series Indoor / Outdoor Dome Camera is easy to deploy and configure.

Key Features of the Bosch NIN-832-V10P

  • iDNR Technology: Assesses the scene to reduce noise artifacts accordingly for effective compression and minimizes bandwidth consumption and storage use.
  • C-BIT (Content-Based Image Technology: Improves image quality in all light conditions.
  • IP66 (NEMA Type 4X) standards, EN 50102, IK10-rated design: Protects the camera from water and dust, and makes it vandal and impact resistant.
  • 1/2.7" CMOS Sensor: Captures 1952 x 1092 (2.03 Mp) pixel resolution images.
  • AVF (Automatic Varifocal): Facilitates zoom change without opening the camera.
  • 10 to 23mm Super Resolution Varifocal Lens: Feature an advanced Iris design to produce high quality images.
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