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Axis P3915-R
Axis P3915-R
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Axis P3915-R
Cập nhật cuối lúc 15:55 ngày 02/11/2016, Đã xem 633 lần
  Đơn giá bán: Liên hệ
  Model: P3915-R   Bảo hành: 12 Tháng
  Tình trạng: Còn hàng
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Hotline : 024.85872879 / 0904 937 368
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Chi tiết sản phẩm

Axis P3915-R Network Camera
The Axis P3915-R Network Camera is primarily designed for portable video monitoring in transports, trains, tram autos and emergency vehicles. The camera comes with protection against dust and water, and can withstand extreme weather conditions, for example, vibrations, shocks, impacts, and temperature variances. The sensor system can detect tampering attempts, like lens blocking or spray painting.
This model comes with a two-way audio feature that helps to record audio footage for added security. The camera is capable of reacting rapidly to changes in light levels, guaranteeing the quality of the picture at all times.

Traffic Light mode serves to recognize traffic lights in extremely dull scenes. The utilization of dynamic output likewise creates clearer pictures of moving articles. The pixel counter aides to check the pixel determination of an item or face to meet administrative or client requirements. The Axis P3915-R Network Camera is intended for fast and dependable installation. 

Key features of Axis P3915-R:

  • HD Camera: AXIS P3915-R Network camera offers HDTV 720p (1280x720 pixels) video in Motion JPEG and H.264 format.
  • Traffic Light Mode: Traffic Light mode helps to better distinguish colours of traffic lights in very dark scenes.
  • Internet protocol: Underpin Internet Protocol form 6 (IPv6) in expansion to IP adaptation 4 (IPv4).
  • Webmail: Support for regular email services requires 5.50 firmware or later. The entrance to numerous normal webmail administrations requires SSL/TLS security. Predefined profiles for Gmail, Hotmail, AOL and Yahoo are incorporated in the 5.50 firmware so as to streamline the arrangement.
  • Quality of Service (QoS): Supports Quality of Service (QoS) which helps secure the important bandwidth for streaming video and command over a network.
  • AVHS: Support for AXIS Video Hosting System (AVHS) with One-Click Camera connection
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