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Axis Q1755-E
Axis Q1755-E
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Axis Q1755-E
Cập nhật cuối lúc 17:59 ngày 02/11/2016, Đã xem 607 lần
  Đơn giá bán: Liên hệ
  Model: Q1755-E   Bảo hành: 12 Tháng
  Tình trạng: Còn hàng
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AXIS Q1755-E Outdoor HDTV Security Camera outdoor AXIS Q1755-E Outdoor HDTV Security Camera hdtv
AXIS Q1755-E Outdoor HDTV Security Camera multiple streaming AXIS Q1755-E Outdoor HDTV Security Camera poe

AXIS Q1755-E (0348-001) Outdoor HDTV Security Camera
The AXIS Q1755-E Outdoor HDTV Security Camera is an outdoor-ready HDTV network device designed to secure locations requiring high-quality video for identification and analysis. Examples include casinos, airports, railways stations, passport controls, and perimeter surveillance. What truly separates the Axis Q1755-E from the pack is its superb image quality. It delivers HDTV performance with 1080i or 720p resolution, 16:9 aspect ratios, and supports both H.264 and MJPEG compression at full frame rate.

It also comes equipped with 10x optical zoom, 12x digital zoom and autofocus, allowing you to quickly find the desired field of view while maintaining perfect focus. The unit is loaded with advanced features, including sophisticated motion detection, audio detection, and an active tampering alarm. It also offers Gatekeeper functionality which allows the device to automatically zoom in when activity is detected, then zoom out after a preset time interval. Installation is made easy with Power over Ethernet (IEEE 802.3af), which eliminates the need for power cables. The AXIS Q1755-E Outdoor HDTV Security Camera also has an SD/SDHC memory card slot for storing recordings locally.

Key Features of the AXIS Q1755-E Outdoor HDTV Security Camera

  • Pan/tilt/Rotation Mechanism: allows you to select the required field-of-view for improved image capture
  • Advanced Gatekeeper Functionality: which identifies various key regions in the overview scene and when someone moves in that area the mechanical PTZ takes over, zooms in for a set period of 5, 10 seconds or more
  • Multi-Streaming: where multiple video streams can be individually configured with different frame rates
  • Power over Ethernet: the device is powered over the Ethernet coaxial cable
  • Arctic Temperature Control: ensures that the camera not only functions at -40°F (-40°C) but also starts up at that temperature following a power failure
axis q1755-e outdoor hdtv security camera

axis q1755-e outdoor hdtv security camera

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