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Axis P3304
Axis P3304
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Axis P3304
Cập nhật cuối lúc 18:31 ngày 02/11/2016, Đã xem 564 lần
  Đơn giá bán: Liên hệ
  Model: P3304   Bảo hành: 12 Tháng
  Tình trạng: Còn hàng
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Số lượng: Cái Khối lượng: 0 g
Phí vận chuyển: 0 Gộp vào đơn hàng
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Axis P3304 1 Megapixel IP Security Camera multiple streaming Axis P3304 1 Megapixel IP Security Camera onvif compliance
Axis P3304 1 Megapixel IP Security Camera motion detection Axis P3304 1 Megapixel IP Security Camera hdtv

Axis P3304 1 Megapixel IP Security Camera
Boasting HDTV image quality and H.264 performance, the Axis P3304 1 Megapixel IP Security Camera is an excellent surveillance solution for applications requiring detailed video at full frame rate. The device has a compact, unobtrusive design that allows for discreet surveillance in all sorts of indoor locations. Additionally, it features a tamper-resistant casing which makes it suitable for exposed environments. This unit meets the quality and efficiency requirements of retail stores, government buildings, banks, airports and more. It provides HDTV 720p and 1-megapixel resolution at full frame rate for detailed monitoring and analysis.

To make the most of available bandwidth, the camera supports multiple H.264 streams, as well as Motion JPEG streams. These can be delivered simultaneously either in full frame rate or individually optimized for different bandwidth constraints and quality requirements. The device can be powered directly via the network interface, allowing it to be installed almost anywhere and not only near a power supply. The Fixed Dome Network unit is compatible with a wide range of optional kits for mounting on a wall, pole, or corner in any indoor environment

Key Features of the Axis P3304 1 Megapixel IP Security Camera

  • Tamper Motion Detection: camera intelligence to detect and notify when tampering occurs
  • Password Protection: IP address filtering, HTTPS encryption
  • Multi-Streaming: where multiple video streams can be individually configured with different frame rates
  • ONVIF Compliance: ensures interoperability between network video products from different manufacturers
  • Power-over-Ethernet: power supply via Ethernet cable
  • High Resolution: HDTV resolution 1280 x 800
axis p3304 1 megapixel ip security camera


axis p3304 1 megapixel ip security camera

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