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Axis P1353
Axis P1353
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Axis P1353
Cập nhật cuối lúc 18:37 ngày 02/11/2016, Đã xem 639 lần
  Đơn giá bán: Liên hệ
  Model: P1353   Bảo hành: 12 Tháng
  Tình trạng: Còn hàng
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Axis P1353-E
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Chi tiết sản phẩm

AXIS P1353 is ip camera AXIS P1353 is 2 way audio camera
AXIS P1353 is day night camera AXIS P1353 is video motion detection camera
AXIS P1353 Day/Night Digital IP Security Camera
The AXIS P1353 Day/Night Digital IP Security Camera comes with many impressive features, making it ideal for indoor surveillance in retail, schools, and large buildings. Using the remote focus feature, you can adjust the device focus from a computer after installation and the pixel counter makes it easy to verify you have the resolution you need. Digital PTZ also allows you to digitally pan, tilt, or zoom in on an image to focus on suspicious activity. The cam also has clear image quality with SVGA resolution. It integrates Axis' Lightfinder technology, an outstanding light sensitivity, with maintained colors even in very poor lighting conditions, is obtained by a combination of Axis' expertise in image processing, system-on-chip development and selection of the best optical components.
Edge recording offers flexibility in where you choose to store recorded material. The built-in MicroSD/SDHC card slot can hold memory cards up to 64 GB, and can be used as either the main storage location or as backup storage in addition to the hard drive on a NVR. Axis Camera Companion, a free video management software program, makes it easy to manage movie recorded on a MicroSD card. Power over Ethernet (PoE) and two-way audio support also increase the utility of this AXIS P1353 Day/Night Digital IP Security Camera. It is suitable for a range of video surveillance applications, including government and industrial buildings, retail environments, airports, railway stations, and schools.
Key Features of the AXIS P1353 Day/Night Digital IP Security Camera
  • Intelligent Capabilities: such as enhanced video motion detection, audio detection and detection of camera tampering attempts like blocking or spray-painting
  • Power over Ethernet (IEEE 802.3af): eliminating the need for power cables and reducing installation costs
  • Two-way Audio Support: two-way communication can be achieved by connecting a speaker with built-in amplifier to the camera connection terminal and a microphone to the computer
  • Advanced Security and Network Management Features: such as HTTPS encryption with preserved performance, IPv6 and Quality of Service
  • SVGA resolution: 800 x 600 with 30 fps
  • Lightfinder Technology: makes the camera extremely sensitive to low light, effectively allowing it to ‘see’ colors even in poor-lighting conditions
axis p1353 day/night digital ip security camera
axis p1353 day/night digital ip security camera


axis p1353 day/night digital ip security camera>

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