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Axis Companion Eye L
Axis Companion Eye L
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Axis Companion Eye L
Cập nhật cuối lúc 18:45 ngày 02/11/2016, Đã xem 641 lần
  Đơn giá bán: Liên hệ
  Model: Companion Eye L   Bảo hành: 12 Tháng
  Tình trạng: Còn hàng
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Số lượng: Cái Khối lượng: 0 g
Phí vận chuyển: 0 Gộp vào đơn hàng
Tổng chi phí: 0 đ
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Chi tiết sản phẩm

Axis Companion Eye L (0881-001) 2MP Indoor Network Mini Dome Security Camera

AXIS Companion Eye L is an indoor fixed mini dome with a compact, flat-faced design that suppresses reflections. Utilizing WDR technology and IR illumination, the camera provides HDTV surveillance even in challenging light conditions or total darkness. The camera features PoE that allows one cable to provide both network connectivity and electrical power. With its built-in microSD card slot for edge storage the camera offers a convenient recording solution and the support for Axis' Zipstream technology ensures maximized recording time. AXIS Companion Eye L is supported only by AXIS Companion video management software and mobile app.

Key features of AXIS Companion Eye L

  • HDTV 1080p video quality
  • 2 MP resolution
  • WDR to handle scenes with complex light conditions
  • Built-in IR illumination for surveillance in total darkness
  • PoE for network connectivity and electrical power
  • Supports microSD card
  • Axis' Zipstream technology
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