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Axis Q1765-LE
Axis Q1765-LE
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Axis Q1765-LE
Cập nhật cuối lúc 21:07 ngày 02/11/2016, Đã xem 658 lần
  Đơn giá bán: Liên hệ
  Model: Q1765-LE   Bảo hành: 12 Tháng
  Tình trạng: Còn hàng
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Từ: Hà Nội Chuyển đến:
Số lượng: Cái Khối lượng: 0 g
Phí vận chuyển: 0 Gộp vào đơn hàng
Tổng chi phí: 0 đ
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Chi tiết sản phẩm

Axis Q1765-LE Network Camera
Axis Q1765-LE Network Camera is a thin, projectile style outdoor ready network enabled camera. It comes with 18x optical zoom and auto-focus properties. It is SMPTE compliant and brings out a resolution of HDTV 1080p videos in various, separately configurable H.264 and Motion JPEG codec video streams. The in-built IR illumination enables four auto adjusting LEDs with highly power-efficient features.

This surveillance system can cover long distances giving both wide overviews and detailed observations for identification purposes. Moreover, Axis' extraordinary Corridor Format enables efficient surveillance with more resolution in vertical scenes, for example, long lanes or long borders. This equipment is very easy to install because of its light weight, one-cable installation. It has standard Power over Ethernet and 24 VDC/AC input for power supply. You can install the camera on walls or roof of buildings for surveillance of entry and borders. Together with compatible accessories, the Axis-Q1765-LE Network Camera can be mounted on polls for monitoring of parking garages or general city observation purposes.

Key features of Axis Q1765-LE:

  • Axis' Arctic Temperature Control: Arctic Temperature Control ensures camera start- up, even at -40 °C (-40°F).
  • Ethernet: Power over Ethernet (IEEE 802.3af), wiping out the requirement for power links and reduction in installation costs.
  • Two way Audio: Two-way sound support with improved sound quality.
  • API: Open Application Programming Interface (API) for software integration, including VAPIX® and from Axis Communications.
  • Edge Storage: Supports the edge storage that allows recording video directly to a storage such as a micro SD/SDHC card.
  • Quality of Service (QoS): Supports Quality of Service (QoS) which helps secure the important bandwidth for streaming video and command over a network
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