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Geovision GV-1120-16 16Ch DVR Card
Geovision GV-1120-16 16Ch DVR Card
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Geovision GV-1120-16 16Ch DVR Card
Cập nhật cuối lúc 17:13 ngày 16/09/2017, Đã xem 624 lần
  Đơn giá bán: Liên hệ
  Model: GV-1120-16   Bảo hành: 12 Tháng
  Tình trạng: Còn hàng
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Số lượng: Cái Khối lượng: 0 g
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Công Ty TNHH Tư Vấn Phát Triển Công Nghệ CST Việt Nam
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Hotline : 024.85872879 / 0904 937 368
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Chi tiết sản phẩm
Geovision GV-1120-16 16ch DVR Capture Card
Compatible with various surveillance cameras and recorders, the Geovision GV-1120-16 16ch DVR Capture Card is capable of recording up to 16 cameras and 16 channels simultaneously. Suitable for delivering both color and black and white images at a speed of up to 120 fps while keeping the resolution intact, the card can exhibit up to 480 fps. It is equipped to provide HD resolution of 704 x 480 and can effortlessly make use of the H.264 and MPEG4 compression formats.
Compatible with several versions of the Windows operating systems, GV-1120-16 synchronizes with Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Server 2008. Suited to function in sync with NTSC and PAL displays, this DVR capture card or the PCI card, as it is also known, can easily send the recorded videos to the network computer. The user can save images, email them as attachments, burn to a CD or retrieve files through a mobile device. Pair the Geovision GV-1120-16 16ch DVR Capture Card with your security surveillance device and it will add a whole new dimension to the way videos are recorded and shared.
Key Features of the Geovision GV-1120-16 16ch DVR Capture Card
  • 16 Camera Video Inputs: for recording 16 cameras at one time
  • 16 Channel Audio Inputs: for recording up to 16 audio channels simultaneously
  • HD Resolution of 704 x 480 at 120fps: for clear and crisp recording
  • H.264 and MPEG4 Compression: allows more video recording time on the hard disk
  • Multi Quad Card Support: allows to connect up to 5 additional TV monitors
  • CIF, Half CIF and D1 Resolution: enables the operator to vary the resolution and use as per requirement
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