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Panasonic WV-SFR631L
Panasonic WV-SFR631L
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Panasonic WV-SFR631L
Cập nhật cuối lúc 12:45 ngày 29/09/2017, Đã xem 603 lần
  Đơn giá bán: Liên hệ
  Model: WV-SFR631L   Bảo hành: 12 Tháng
  Tình trạng: Còn hàng
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Panasonic WV-SFR631L Super Dynamic Full HD 1080p 1.3 MP Vandal Resistant Dome Network Camera
An impervious surveillance solution, the Panasonic WV- WV-SFR631L Super Dynamic Full HD 1080p 1.3 MP Vandal Resistant Dome Network Camera is loaded with the best-in-class features. The superior 1/3 type MOS sensor is highly regarded for its amazing image quality. The ability to deliver 1920 x 1080 full HD at up to 60fps H.264 makes this camera an ideal choice if you do not wish to make any compromise when it comes to security.

Thanks to the Enhanced Super Dynamic and ABS (Adaptive Black Stretch) technologies, this network camera will stay true to its promise even in challenging lighting environments. With a dynamic range that is 133 dB wider than most standard cameras, it will balance bright and dark objects very smoothly. With Super Chroma Compensation (SCC), you will get impressive color reproduction even when the IR cut filter is removed. The Panasonic WV-SFR631L Super Dynamic Full HD 1080p 1.3 MP Vandal Resistant Dome Network Camera comes with double memory card slots to allow ample storage capacity for extensive and redundant recording meant for data protection.

Key Features of the Panasonic WV-SFR631L

  • Approximate 1/3 Type MOS Sensor: Processes amazing image quality
  • High Frame Rate: Offers 60 fps video in 1080p and 720p
  • High Resolution: Delivers 1920 x 1080 Full HD at up to 60fps H.264
  • Enhanced Super Dynamic and ABS (Adaptive Black Stretch) Technologies: Delivers a dynamic range that's 133 dB wider than most standard cameras
  • Super Chroma Compensation (SCC): Reproduces colors magnificently even when the IR cut filter is removed
  • Double SDXC/SDHC/SD Memory Card Slots: Allows ample storage capacity
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