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Panasonic WV-SFV611L
Panasonic WV-SFV611L
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Panasonic WV-SFV611L
Cập nhật cuối lúc 12:45 ngày 29/09/2017, Đã xem 593 lần
  Đơn giá bán: Liên hệ
  Model: WV-SFV611L   Bảo hành: 12 Tháng
  Tình trạng: Còn hàng
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Từ: Hà Nội Chuyển đến:
Số lượng: Cái Khối lượng: 0 g
Phí vận chuyển: 0 Gộp vào đơn hàng
Tổng chi phí: 0 đ
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Công Ty TNHH Tư Vấn  Phát Triển Công Nghệ CST Việt Nam
Công Ty TNHH Tư Vấn Phát Triển Công Nghệ CST Việt Nam
Số 14 Ngõ 138/245 Định Công – Phường Định Công , Hoàng Mai, Hà Nội
Hotline : 024.85872879 / 0904 937 368
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Chi tiết sản phẩm

Panasonic WV-SFV611L Camera

The Panasonic WV-SFV611L Camera is designed to capture clear images around your property for adequate security. Thanks to a waterproof design, water will not damage the camera at all. A face superior dynamic range feature helps the camera detect and capture images of the face clearly, without any blurry white lines. The Privacy Zone can mask up to 8 private areas, such as near the entrance and windows, providing you with ample security. Thanks to a 1080/720p HD image, the camera will capture crisp images in different light conditions. The camera is IR LED equipped, making it possible for the camera to capture pictures at zero lx. An auto back focus and motorized zoom makes this camera easy to use. You have access to different light control settings, such as outdoor scene, indoor scene and fix shutter. Protect your property effectively with the Panasonic WV-SFV611L Camera, which is designed to last in extreme weather conditions.

Key Features of the Panasonic WV-SFV611L Camera

  • IR LED Equipped: captures clear images of the face without blurry white lines
  • Auto Back Focus: makes using this camera easy
  • Privacy Zone: lets you mask up to 8 private areas on your property
  • Waterproof design: protects the camera from water
  • Multiple Light Settings: optimum light settings for indoor and outdoor use
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