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Panasonic WV-SFN631L
Panasonic WV-SFN631L
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Panasonic WV-SFN631L
Cập nhật cuối lúc 12:46 ngày 29/09/2017, Đã xem 601 lần
  Đơn giá bán: Liên hệ
  Model: WV-SFN631L   Bảo hành: 12 Tháng
  Tình trạng: Còn hàng
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Chi tiết sản phẩm

Panasonic WV-SFN631L Enhanced Super Dynamic Full HD 1080p 1.3 MP Indoor Dome Network Camera
A part of the highly innovative Indoor 6 series, the Panasonic WV-SFN631L Enhanced Super Dynamic Full HD 1080p 1.3 MP Indoor Dome Network Camera promises an outstanding performance. The 1.3 MP MOS sensor is quite capable of giving you superior quality images in a variety of environments. With frame rates of 60 fps in 1080p and 720p, this highly useful camera enables a smooth motion which makes it perfect for critical zones like casinos, airports, arenas and more.

Best of all, the Enhanced Super Dynamic and ABS (Adaptive Black Stretch) technologies make it even more resourceful by balancing diversely lit scenes proficiently. Another highlight is the Super Chroma Compensation (SCC) feature which will give you superior color reproduction even in the absence of IR cut filter. With the built in SDXC memory card slot, the Panasonic WV-SFN631L Enhanced Super Dynamic Full HD 1080p 1.3 MP Indoor Dome Network Camera will let you create a valuable backup which you will find useful in any event of network failure.

Key Features of the Panasonic WV-SFN631L

  • 1/3" MOS Sensor: Delivers a performance that you can rely upon
  • High Frame Rate: Offers 60 fps video in 1080p and 720p making it ideal for casinos, airports, arenas and more
  • Enhanced Super Dynamic and ABS (Adaptive Black Stretch) Technologies: With a wider dynamic range, it gives you amazingly balanced images
  • Super Chroma Compensation: Delivers superior color reproduction even when the IR cut filter is removed
  • Built-In SDXC Memory Card Slot: Lets you create a backup which comes handy in case of data loss or network failure
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