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Panasonic WV-SFV781L
Panasonic WV-SFV781L
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Panasonic WV-SFV781L
Cập nhật cuối lúc 12:46 ngày 29/09/2017, Đã xem 587 lần
  Đơn giá bán: Liên hệ
  Model: WV-SFV781L   Bảo hành: 12 Tháng
  Tình trạng: Còn hàng
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Panasonic WV-SFV781L True 4K Outdoor Security Camera
Crisp and clear images are now available with Panasonic WV-SFV781L True 4K Outdoor Security Camera. Vandal-resistant, this camera is suitable for outdoor deployment. The camera delivers high quality images with 1/7th the file size of other 4K cameras with the help of compression technology. The wide-angle view generates clear images, both in the center and the corners. 

The 1/1.7” sensor works in combination with True 4K F1.6 lens to achieve low-light performance at just 0.3lx in color, 0.03lx in black and white mode or 0lux through the smart IR-LED FUCNTION. The virtual PTZ operation enables the operator to crop certain areas in the view while viewing, and still record the whole area. The rain wash coating facilitates clear visibility even during rain. The Panasonic WV-SFV781L True 4K Outdoor Security Camera may be used for surveillance at public places such as intersections, squares, prisons or parking spaces, and for transportation, for example airports, stations or hub terminals.

Key Features of the Panasonic WV-SFV781L

  • VQIS: This built-in technology allows you to associate eight areas to retain higher images while retaining a decreased resolution for the other areas.
  • Smart IR LED: Takes pictures at zero lx. The IR LED is controlled to match the environment, which allows the camera to provide clear images of human faces without white blur. 
  • Multiple Streaming: Allows H.264 and JPEG streaming simultaneously with real time monitoring and high-resolution recording by the newly enhanced "UniPhier®", Panasonic's proprietary System LSI platform.
  • HLC (High Light Compensation) technology: Helps reduce strong light sources such as vehicle headlights to prevent camera being blinded
  • Fog Compensation: Helps to keep the lens clear from fog and smog in adverse weather conditions
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