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Cập nhật cuối lúc 12:55 ngày 29/09/2017, Đã xem 656 lần
  Đơn giá bán: Liên hệ
  Model: WJ-ND300A   Bảo hành: 12 Tháng
  Tình trạng: Còn hàng
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Network Disk Recorder with expandable capacity for up to 32 Network Cameras

WJ-ND300A Network Disk Recorder supports up to 32 network cameras. This multifunction disk recorder offers high image quality, high frame rate and system expandability required for the advanced network surveillance systems. From systems using existing networks to high-performance systems using dedicated networks the WJ-ND300A meets security needs across a wide range of applications


H.264/MPEG-4/JPEG Compatible

WJ-ND300A is compatible with H.264,MPEG-4 and JPEG from the i-Pro series network cameras. This allows high resolution recording and high frame rate recording simultaneously.


Flexible Recording

Flexible Recording Mode: Emergency and SCHEDULE including Schedule, Manual and Event (Pre/Post). Schedule mode includes 4 recording programs with individual recording mode for each camera, and 6 time schedules per day. Event recording mode provides effective use of disk space. Images prior to the alarm can be recorded so that the decisive moment can be captured.


Display Modes

Flexible display modes include Spot, Quad (8 patterns), Spot Sequence and Quad Sequence (Live only).


Digital Zoom

2x, 4x Digital zoom (Live/Playback) enables precise verification. Pan/Tilt control is also available for zoomed area.


Camera Control

Pan/Tilt, Zoom, Focus, Brightness, Preset Position, Auto mode can be controlled from the browser GUI. Camera control is available when the live image from the camera is displayed on the spot screen. Note: Supported function depends on the camera model


Flexible Playback

Up to 96x speed play (7 steps), A-B Repeat, Goto Date (Jump to specific time/date), Goto Last (Jump to 5 sec. - 5 min. before the record end) allows flexible playback operations. Goto Date (Jump to specific time/date), Goto Last (Jump to 5 sec. ~ 5 min. before the record end).


Event Search

Desired record can be searched by various criteria such as Time & Date, Event Type, Camera number and Text on/off.


Flexible Alarm Handling

Various alarm sources and actions are available for flexible alarm control. Alarm sources include 32x Terminal inputs, 32x Camera alarms, Panasonic Alarm Protocol. Alarm actions include Event recording, E-mail notification, Message on browser, Camera positioning, FTP image transfer, Terminal output, Indication on browser, Panasonic protocol output, Buzzer and LED.


FTP Client

FTP client function enables periodic live image transfer or recorded image transfer in response to an alarm.


SD Memory Backup

When the network experiences a problem, images can automatically be backed up in the SD memory in the i-Pro cameras.
Images recorded in the SD memory during a network failure can be transferred to the recorder automatically or manually when the recorder is in non-recording status.


User Management

Sophisticated user management includes User/Host authentication, 4 user levels, 16 user priorities and User-Camera View/Control partitioning.


Alteration Detection

When recorded images are tempered, the ND viewer software indicates an alert upon playback.


High Capacity Storage

The WJ-ND300A comes standard with a 250 GB HDD. It can can be configured with 4x 500GB hard disk drives for 2 TB of storage. The WJ-ND300A is capable of employing up to 14 TB of disk space with six WJ-HDE300 Hard Disk Extension Units, in each of which four 500 GB HDDs can be installed, enabling long term recording.



The Optional RAID5 Board; WJ-NDB301 enables high-level risk management by adding RAID5 capability to the WJ-ND300A.



With the embedded OS and the purpose built hardware, WJ-ND300A ensures 24/7 operation.
Alteration detection and RAID5 redundancy are available for data securit


Easy IP Set-up

When i-Pro series cameras are connected to the WJ-ND300A Network Disk Recorder, the Easy IP Set-up feature easily locates their IP addresses.


Configuration Software

Setup data of the encoders, recorders and decoders can be programmed with the System Configuration Software, reducing setup time. System Configuration Software is especially effective when using the same setup data to the multiple units.


Multi-site System

Multi-recorder-Multi-site system can be made with optional WV-ASM100 i-Pro Management Software.

IP Network


Use of an IP Network allows camera installation anywhere along the network. It also permits live monitoring, recording, and playback viewing at a remote site.


Use of an IP Network also reduces the number of steps required to add cameras to the system. The installation flexibility allows users to design a system with optimum camera position, increasing surveillance effectiveness. With our optional WV-ASM100 i-Pro Management Software or WV-AS65 Recorder Management Software, systems can incorporate up to 100 WJ-ND300A Network Disk Recorders and up to 3,200 cameras.

Cost Efficiency

Because the WJ-ND300A can utilize an existing network infrastructure, it sharply reduces costs in both time and money compared to systems that require dedicated cabling. The use of ordinary PCs eliminates the need for dedicated monitors. Plus, with hard disk storage, the burden of replacing video tapes or other consumables is also reduced.

Built with the Future in Mind

As digital networks become a pervasive component of contemporary life, the potential for networked video surveillance systems is enormous. The WJ-ND300A is designed to take full advantage of new networking advances and to simplify the integration of other surveillance applications (i.e. access control systems).

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