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Cập nhật cuối lúc 12:55 ngày 29/09/2017, Đã xem 645 lần
  Đơn giá bán: Liên hệ
  Model: WV-SW598   Bảo hành: 12 Tháng
  Tình trạng: Còn hàng
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1 Công Ty TNHH Tư Vấn Phát Triển Công Nghệ CST Việt Nam
Panasonic WV-SW598A
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Chi tiết sản phẩm

360° endless panning and tilting between –15° and 195° are available thanks to the high-performance pan/tilt mechanism. Wide range monitoring can be performed only with a single camera.
The panning/tilting speed is widely adjustable between 0.065°/sec and 120°/sec when manually controlling it.
The auto pan function allows operation with the camera (lens direction) keeping on rotating horizontally when needed.

Preset position

A desired camera direction can be registered as a preset position and the camera will move to the registered preset position only by clicking the corresponding preset button. Up to 256 preset positions can be registered.

Preset position map-shot

Thumbnail images representing 8 preset positions can be displayed on another window.
By clicking a thumbnail image, live image from the corresponding preset position will be displayed.

360° map-shot

The camera rotates 45° horizontally 8 times and 8 thumbnail images be displayed on another window.
By clicking a thumbnail image, the camera will move to a position corresponding to the selected lens direction and live image from that direction will be displayed.

Auto Eye-lid Mechanism (AEM)

When direction of the lens moved above the horizontal, a doubled image may occur when using a general camera. Our unique technology is featured in WV-SW598 and it reduces doubled images and offers images that are more natural and easy to watch.

30x Optical Zoom, 90x Ex Optical Zoom

The 30x optical zoom lens offers display of enlarged image without deterioration of high image quality.
In addition, the Ex optical zoom function offers up to 60x optical zoom and up to 1080x is available when using together with the digital zoom.

* The Ex zoom function is available only when the image capture size setting is set to "640x360" pixels.
* When using the digital zoom, image quality will be deteriorated as the zoom factor increases.

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