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Panasonic WV-SPW631L
Panasonic WV-SPW631L
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Panasonic WV-SPW631L
Cập nhật cuối lúc 13:01 ngày 29/09/2017, Đã xem 605 lần
  Đơn giá bán: Liên hệ
  Model: WV-SPW631L   Bảo hành: 12 Tháng
  Tình trạng: Còn hàng
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Panasonic WV-SPW631L Super Dynamic HD Weatherproof Network Camera
Enjoy the benefits of top-notch security features by installing Panasonic WV-SPW631L Super Dynamic HD Weatherproof Network Camera at your home or office. This impressive progressive scan image sensor delivers images with a high resolution of 1080 pixels in full HD and 720 pixels in HD at the rate of 60 fps. Additionally, you have the multiple streaming feature through which you can use the H.264 and JPEG streaming options for simultaneous real time monitoring and high-resolution recording. The system also comes with an IP66 rating and ONVIF compliance. This network enabled HD weatherproof camera has the super Chroma compensation feature that helps to deliver better color reproducibility in challenging low light conditions.

You can use the auto back focus and motorized zoom features for easier and quicker installation. In addition, you can also enjoy automatic focusing options in any given environment. The multi NR and 3D-DNR technology helps to deliver images with very low video noise in varied conditions. This high profile security camera gives you variable image quality on specified areas option that allows you to select up to eight areas to focus with high resolution as compared to the non-selected areas. You can enjoy total security in your building through Panasonic WV-SPW631L Super Dynamic HD Weatherproof Network Camera.

Key Features of the Panasonic WV-SPW631L

  • Multiple Streaming Options: Allows multiple high profile H.264 and JPEG streaming for simultaneous real time monitoring and high resolution recording
  • High Sensitivity MOS Image Sensor: Delivers images with a resolution of 1080 pixels in full HD and 720 pixels in HD images for up to 60 fps
  • Variable Image Quality on Specified Areas: Enables selecting specific areas for retaining higher image quality compared to the non-selected areas
  • Multi NR and 3D-DNR Technology: Ensures images with almost no digital video noise and noise reduction in various conditions
  • Super Chroma Compensation Technology: Allows for better color reproducibility in extremely low light conditions
  • Auto Back Focus and Motorized Zoom: Helps in automatic lens focusing in any given environment
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