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Panasonic WV-CW314L
Panasonic WV-CW314L
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Panasonic WV-CW314L
Cập nhật cuối lúc 16:48 ngày 29/09/2017, Đã xem 612 lần
  Đơn giá bán: Liên hệ
  Model: WV-CW314L   Bảo hành: 12 Tháng
  Tình trạng: Còn hàng
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Chi tiết sản phẩm

Panasonic WV-CW314L Weather Resistant IR LED Day/Night Fixed CCTV Camera
Highly cost effective, the Panasonic WV-CW314L Weather Resistant IR LED Day/Night 1/3 Type Fixed CCTV Camera is a proficient surveillance solution. With a resolution of 650 TV lines, the 1/3 type image sensor offers enhanced image quality. The ABS (Adaptive Black Stretch) technology ensures that this camera does not let you down even when the lighting conditions are quite-off balance. This technology processes the dark areas and shadows into naturally clear images in real time which is very useful for a wide range of applications.

This powerful camera's high sensitivity with day/night function gives you excellent results at all times of the day making it ideal for 24 x 7 environments. With the adaptive digital noise reduction, you will get noise-free videos in a vast variety of conditions. IP66 rated, the Panasonic WV-CW314L Weather Resistant IR LED Day/Night 1/3 Type Fixed CCTV Camera is water and dust proof, making it a reliable security solution for your property.

Key Features of the Panasonic WV-CW314L

  • 1/3 Type Interline Transfer CCD Image Sensor: Offers a resolution of 650 TV lines
  • IR LED: Supports the day/night function for capturing clear images at 0 LUX illumination
  • ABS (Adaptive Black Stretch) Technology: Improves visibility of dark areas without compromising the quality of the bright areas
  • High Sensitivity with Day/Night Function: Delivers great performance at all times of the day
  • Adaptive Digital Noise Reduction: Gives you noise free videos in varied conditions
  • IP66 Rated: Makes it a water and dust resistant unit
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