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Cập nhật cuối lúc 13:45 ngày 15/10/2017, Đã xem 639 lần
  Đơn giá bán: Liên hệ
  Model: GV-TM0100   Bảo hành: 12 Tháng
  Tình trạng: Còn hàng
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Geovision GV-TM0100 CIF Network Thermal Bullet Security Camera

GV-TM0100 is an outdoor thermal IP camera capable of producing black-and-white images based on the detected temperature of the people, vehicles and environment. Unlike traditional cameras that rely on visible light, GV-TM0100 is unaffected by the lighting conditions and allows you to detect movements even in complete darkness and backlit scenes.

Ideal for border surveillance and sparsely populated areas, GV-TM0100 can detect human-sized targets at a distance of 1450 m (4757 ft) and vehicles at 1850 m (6070 ft).

GV-TM0100 can be easily configured through its Web interface and you can record and play back recordings using the GV-VMS software included in the standard package.

Key features of Geovision GV-TM0100

  • CIF Uncooled FPA micro bolometer, 25 um pixel size
  • Thermal sensitivity: ≤100 mK at f/1,300K
  • Spectral range: 8 ~ 14 um
  • Up to 25 fps at 352 x 288
  • 2x digital zoom
  • Single stream from H.264 or MJPEG
  • Up to 1450 m (4757 ft) detection range for human targets and 1850 m (6070 ft) for vehicles
  • Up to 480 m (1575 ft) recognition range for human targets and 920 m (3018 ft) for vehicles
  • IP66
  • DC 12V / PoE (IEEE 802.3af)
  • Support for iPhone, iPad, Android and 3GPP
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