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Honeywell L5100-WIFI
Honeywell L5100-WIFI
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Honeywell L5100-WIFI
Cập nhật cuối lúc 20:20 ngày 13/12/2016, Đã xem 920 lần
  Đơn giá bán: Liên hệ
  Model: L5100-WIFI   Bảo hành: 12 Tháng
  Tình trạng: Còn hàng
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The Honeywell L5100-WIFI is an AlarmNet WiFi enabled internet alarm communicator for the L5100 LYNX Touch wireless alarm control panel. The L5100-WIFI is the first and only wireless internet alarm communicator made by Honeywell’s AlarmNet division.

AlarmNet is an industry leader in alternative alarm communication paths. Security systems have historically communicated over traditional phone lines. With the rapid rise in cellular phones and internet based communications, traditional phone lines will not be around for much longer. AlarmNet was developed to give customers without a phone line an option for having their security system monitored by a central station. All alarm signals from an AlarmNet alarm monitoring communicator pass through the AlarmNet Network Control Center on their way to Alarm Grid’s central station. The Network Control Center supervises all Honeywell alarm communicators so that any interruptions in service can be dealt with immediately. With Honeywell’s AlarmNet division and Alarm Grid, you can eliminate your expensive landline telephone service and still enjoy advanced alarm monitoring services to protect your home and family.

The L5100-WIFI internet alarm communicator fits seamlessly inside the L5100 LYNX Touch wireless alarm control panel for a clean and easy installation. Once installed and programmed, the WiFi alarm communicator will wirelessly send all alarm signals from your LYNX Touch to your broadband internet router so they can be transmitted to Alarm Grid’s central station. Unlike the ILP5 which is an internet alarm communicator, the L5100-WIFI is a wireless WiFi communicator that does not require an Ethernet cable between your LYNX Touch security system and your router. The WiFi feature is a huge advantage for the do-it-yourself (DIY) installer as it can be very difficult to wire an Ethernet cable through a home that is already built.

The Honeywell WiFi alarm communicator is supervised by AlarmNet’s servers so that any interruption in internet service will be seen by an Alarm Grid operator. Once the internet service restores, the L5100-WIFI internet alarm communicator will connect to the network automatically to minimize the chance of missing an important alarm signal. We recommend adding an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) to your home’s router and modem so that your internet service does not go down during a power outage. The L5100-WIFI module gets its power straight from your LYNX Touch wireless alarm control panel which has a built-in backup battery so that as long as the internet service is working, your WiFi enabled security system will be able to send out all alarm signals.

Unlike the older L5000 LYNX Touch which was the predecessor to Honeywell's current wireless alarm system, you can use the L5100-WIFI alarm communicator in conjunction with the new AlarmNet GSMVLP5-4G a cellular alarm communicator so that your security system has internet communications backed up by cellular communications. A dual path security system is the most secure and reliable alarm monitoring option available because if one path fails, the other path instantly takes over to prevent any failed communications with Alarm Grid’s central station.

Not only does the Honeywell L5100-WIFI internet alarm communicator provide you with secure, easily installed alarm monitoring services, but it also allows you to sign up for AlarmNet’s advanced Total Connect 2.0 service. Total Connect 2.0 is an optional service that allows you to control your L5100 LYNX Touch wireless security system using any web browser or a free application on an iPhone®, iPad®, Blackberry® or Android™ device. You now have the freedom to arm or disarm your Honeywell wireless security system no matter where you are!

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