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Honeywell 6160RF
Honeywell 6160RF
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Honeywell 6160RF
Cập nhật cuối lúc 20:40 ngày 13/12/2016, Đã xem 763 lần
  Đơn giá bán: Liên hệ
  Model: 6160RF   Bảo hành: 12 Tháng
  Tình trạng: Còn hàng
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The Honeywell 6160RF is an alarm keypad with an alphanumeric display and an integrated wireless receiver and transmitter module. Instead of installing a 6160 alarm keypad, a 5881ENH wireless receiver and a 5800TM transmitter module separately, you can save money and streamline your installation by adding just the 6160RF keypad with integrated transceiver. Once you add a 6160RF alarm keypad to your Honeywell security system, you can install any 5800 series wireless device including the bi-directional devices. The wireless receiver built into the 6160RF is compatible with as many wireless zones as your security system allows.

Not only does the Honeywell 6160RF support more wireless zones than the Honeywell 6150RFbut it also has a large 2-line alphanumeric LCD display. Therefore, you can access your security system’s *56 zone programming menus and program custom alpha zone descriptors. The zone programming fields will be displayed on the keypad display to guide you properly as your program your zones. In addition, your zones will be displayed by their custom alpha descriptor making your security system as user friendly as possible.

The 6160RF’s built-in speaker provides warning sounds during alarm and trouble signals to keep you aware of your security system’s status. It will also beep at you during entry/exit delay periods so that you know how much time you have to exit the home after arming and how much time you have to disarm the security system when you come home. In addition, the sounder beeps acknowledgment when any key is pressed and provides confirmation tones after you have successfully keyed in a command at the keypad.

The Honeywell 6160RF will need to be addressed within your security system’s device addressing programming section before you will be able to use the keypad. To address the 6160RF you need to simultaneously press the [1] and [3] keys within (60) seconds of power up. If you have pressed the keys in time, “CON ADDRESS = XX” will be displayed where “XX” is the 2-digit device address currently programmed. Simply enter the 2-digit device address that you will be using for the 6160RF and then press the [*] key to confirm. (Ensure that no other device installed on your security system is using that device address and that it is a device address setup for alpha console functionality.) After addressing the keypad, you can also enable the integrated receiver and set its device address. The keypad programming will time out automatically (60) seconds after power up so make sure to navigate through all the fields quickly to ensure all entries were accepted. If the programming times out before you were done programming all fields, you should power the keypad down and start over.

If the 6160RF alarm keypad displays “Low Bat” along with a 2-digit zone number, the wireless device corresponding to that zone number has a low battery that needs to be replaced. If “Open Ckt” is being displayed, the security system is not receiving any data from the keypad. You must then check for shorts along the data wire connection. If “Check 1XX” is being displayed, with “XX” being the device address of the wireless receiver, the security system is not detecting the wireless receiver or the receiver is malfunctioning. You should verify the data in and data out wires are connected to the proper terminals on the security system alarm control panel. You should also make sure that the wireless receiver’s device address is compatible with RF receivers and that no other devices are using the same address.

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