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JA-153E wirelss access module with RFID and keypad
JA-153E wirelss access module with RFID and keypad
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JA-153E wirelss access module with RFID and keypad
Cập nhật cuối lúc 10:26 ngày 02/06/2020, Đã xem 445 lần
  Đơn giá bán: Liên hệ
  Model: JA-153E   Bảo hành: 12 Tháng
  Tình trạng: Còn hàng
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JA-153E wirelss access module with RFID and keypad

The unit allows simple system control using interlocking segments.

It features Smart Radio Wake-up (SRW) which reacts to, for example, a wireless door detector being triggered and effects the automatic termination of sleep mode in a set system during the entrance delay.

The module is powered by alkaline batteries.

The module is addressable and occupies one alarm system position.


Power 2 x AA alkaline batteries 1.5 V
Typical battery life 1 year
Frequency bidirectional Jablotron protocol 868 MHz
Communication range 200 meters
Dimensions 102 × 76 × 33 mm
Security Level grade 2, EN 50131-1, EN 50131-3, EN 50131-6
Environment according to EN 50131-1, EN 50131-3 II indoor general
Temperature -10 to 40 ° C


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