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Bảng điều khiển 192 vùng có dây PARADOX EVO192
EVO192 192-Zone Control Panel
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Bảng điều khiển 192 vùng có dây PARADOX EVO192
Cập nhật cuối lúc 22:44 ngày 26/08/2022, Đã xem 262 lần
  Đơn giá bán: Liên hệ
  Model: EVO192   Bảo hành: 12 Tháng
  Tình trạng: Còn hàng
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Bảng điều khiển 192 vùng có dây PARADOX EVO192

- 8 on-board zones (16 w/ zone doubling)

- Built-in access control features

- Supports PCS Series, IP Module (IP150) and Voice Module (VDMP3)

- In-field firmware upgrade via 307USB, Babyware and WinLoad

- Selectable input resistors for EOL and Tamper

- Compatible with NEware V4.0 or higher

- Automatic Daylight Savings Time feature

- PGM1 can be used as a 2-wire smoke input

- Program remote controls using the master or installer codes

- Built-in real-time clock backup battery

- 1.7A switching power supply

- 1 supervised bell output, auxiliary output and telephone line

- Patented 2 opto coupler dialer circuit - the most reliable dialer in the industry (US Patents 5751803, RE39406)

- Push button software reset (reset to default values and restart)

- Push button to activate or deactivate the Auxiliary output

- Fits in a 28cm x 28cm x 7.6cm (11in x 11in x 3in) metal box

- The EVO series share the same programming for easy panel substitution

- EN 50131 grade 3


Model EVO192
Maximum Zones 192
On-Board Zones 8 (16 with ATZ)
Partitions 8
Users 999
In-Field Firmware Upgradeable Yes
Access Control 32 doors
Events Buffered 2048
PGMs 250 (5 on board)
Siren Wired
Total Expansion Modules 254
Landline Speed for Programming 300 Bps
Internal Power Supply 1.7A switching
Input Voltage 16 VAC, 20 / 40 VA, 50-60 Hz
Battery 12 VDC, 7 Ah minimum
Battery Charging Current 350 mA / 850 mA
Auxiliary Output 12 VDC, 700 mA, fuseless shutdown at 1.1A
Bell Output 1A, fuseless shutdown at 3A
PGM Output PGM1 to PGM4: 100 mA solid-state relays with +/- trigger PGM5: Form C relay output rated at 5A / 28 VDC N.O. / N.C.
Operating Temperature -10 to 55°C

- Thương hiệu của CANADA.

- Bảo hành: 24 tháng.

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