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Digital Power Amplifier Module 150W TOA VX-015DA
Digital Power Amplifier Module 150W TOA VX-015DA
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Digital Power Amplifier Module 150W TOA VX-015DA
Cập nhật cuối lúc 12:23 ngày 04/10/2022, Đã xem 250 lần
  Đơn giá bán: Liên hệ
  Model: VX-015DA   Bảo hành: 12 Tháng
  Tình trạng: Còn hàng
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Digital Power Amplifier Module 150W TOA VX-015DA

The VX-015DA is an Digital power amplifier used for the VX-3000 systems which is compliant with the European Standard EN54 for fire alarm systems.It is a module type with 1 channel of class-D digital power amplifier, which contribute to energy-saving and light weight design.The VX-015DA also features standby mode to be set for reducing standby power consumption.It requires a dedicated control units VX-3004F, VX-3008F, VX-3016F and power supply unit VX-3000DS.


Model VX-015DA
Power Source 31 VDC (operating range: 20 - 33 VDC)
DC power in: M4 screw terminal, distance between barriers: 11 mm (0.43')
Amplification System Class D
Power Consumption 1.3W (standby mode), 14W (no audio input), 40W (1/8 rated output), 190W (rated output)
*at 31 VDC, output voltage selection switch: 100V
Rated Output Power 150W (at 100V line and min. impedance and max. capacitive load)
105W (at 70V line and min. impedance and max. capacitive load)
75W (at 50V line and min. impedance and max. capacitive load)
(at AC Mains VX-3000DS or VX-3150DS: 187 - 253V)
Output Voltage 100V (70V, 50V: selectable)
Minimum Impedance Load 67Ω (at 100V line), 47 Ω (at 70V line), 33Ω (at 50V line)
Maximum Capacitive Load 0.5 μF
Number of Channels 1
Input DA CONTROL LINK: Nylon connector (15 pins)
Output DA OUTPUT LINK: Nylon connector (2 pins)
Frequency Response 40Hz - 20kHz: -5 to +1dB (at 100 V line, 30 dB output)
Distortion 1% or less (at 100 V line, rated output, 1 kHz)
Signal to Noise Ratio 100dB or more (at 100 V line, A-weighted)
Operating Temperature -5 ℃ to +45 ℃
Operating Humidity 90%RH or less (no condensation)
Finish Surface-treated steel plate
Dimensions 82.8 (W) × 91 (H) × 358.2 (D) mm (3.26' × 3.58' × 14.1')
Weight 1.3 kg (2.87 lb)

- Sản xuất tại Taiwan.

- Bảo hành: 12 tháng.

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